
Friday, September 20, 2013

Ian Free - 5 months

This month was such a blur.  It's now a month later and I'm trying to remember when I forgot to take many notes.  I'll just try to do my best.
In the ballpark of 7:00/10:30/2:30/5:30/7:00.  I switched him to a 4 hour routine by the end of the month, and that works soooo much better for him!  I knew he was ready for that because he just was not eating well any sooner than 4 hours.  His waketimes were extending, which I'll talk about next, and I just knew something needed to change.
At the beginning of the month they were about an hour and a half to an hour and 45 minutes.  By the last few days of the month, it was apparent that he needed to have closer to 2 hour waketimes.  So it's 2 hours before the first nap, 2 hours before the second nap, and 2 hours before his evening catnap. 
2+ hours for both the morning and afternoon nap.  The catnap is about 45 minutes. 
The swaddle:
Last month we had just begun the transition to no swaddle beginning with leaving one arm out for a week or two.  The next step after leaving one arm out for a week (or two, I can't remember!) was to swaddle his second arm in loosely.  I did that for several days, then left it out totally.  So by the very beginning of this month he was totally done with it.  He did great. 
It really baffles me, but the boy loves to be roasty toasty while sleeping.  I always feel so hot in the house and feel like he shouldn't need the heavy sleep sack that he likes, but he sleeps better with it, so we'll go with it.  I was hoping to not even fool with a sleep sack for him, but since he likes being so warm, I knew he would probably sleep better with one.  And in fact, he does.  He prefers the long sleeve fleecy ones.  In the middle of summer.  Whatever!

So I know I mentioned last month how I wasn't planning on doing any solids with Ian until after his surgery because I wanted to do the Baby Led Weaning "method" (which I LOVE and can't wait to do!) BUT the boy is a hungry dude.  I didn't feel comfortable doing the baby led weaning stuff with a hole in his mouth, nor did I feel comfortable doing it so early.  So I decided to give him some baby cereal.  Homemade millet cereal to be exact.  He gobbled it up for a day or two, but then decided he didn't want anything to do with it.  I didn't push it.  (I'm writing this into his 6th month and after his surgery.  I'm glad I didn't push it, because I was told not to put anything into his mouth, including a spoon.  So if he was used to the food, we'd have been in trouble.)

His little infant life is FLYING by!

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