
Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Ian Free - 8 and 9 months

Sorry for the pictureless post!  We haven't had internet for the past 2 months since we've moved, so I have missed Ian's 8 and 9 month posts and pictures.  I am feeling the need to record some things down before too much time passes so I don't forget.

As I'm writing this, he'll be 10 months in 2 weeks, so most of this stuff is current for this age.

Weight:  18 pounds at his 9 month checkup

Height:  I can't remember, but I know it was a little bit over the 50th percentile

Waketimes: 2.5 hours for the first one, 3 hours for the second one, and 2.5 hours before bed.

Sleeping: 2 hours for the morning nap, 1.5 hours for the second nap, and 12-13 hours at night.

A note about naps: Ian will sleep as long as I'll let him for his morning nap.  I used to let him sleep for 2.5 hours, but then we began to have to wake him up after 2 hours because he was having trouble sleeping in the afternoon after taking such a long morning nap.  Recently, I've begun experimenting with waking him up after an hour and 45 minutes to see if that helps to extend his afternoon nap a little more.  Even though he sleeps better in the morning, as my other boys did too like an extension of nighttime sleep, since the afternoon nap is the one we'll end up with when there is only one nap, I like to try to preserve it's length as the longer one if I can.  Since he has waketimes that are on the long end of average, he is needing to shorten his morning nap at a slightly younger age than my other boys or even most babies.

Bottles: I have noticed that he has started taking in less milk over the last month now that he is eating more and more solid food.  He will usually eat around 4-6 oz for his first three bottles of the day and then usually closer to 7 for his bedtime bottle.  However there have been many days recently that he's only eaten 3-4 oz at bedtime and it has no result on his nighttime sleep whatsoever.  Shows he's growing up!

Solids:  The boys and he eats a lot.  The only thing I have served him that he hasn't enjoyed is chick peas.  He eats everything else that we eat most of the time just like we eat it.  With some things like oatmeal I will serve his only lightly sweetened before adding more brown sugar for the rest of us, his cereal is dry, and if I make chocolate chip muffins, I will make a few of them plain without the chips for him.  If I serve soup, I usually spread his soup on toast sticks.  Also I usually serve his veggies to him before adding butter and salt for the rest of the family.  As he's gotten older I don't stress if I forget to do that as his body and digestive system is maturing.  I have tried to feed him applesauce and a few other things with a spoon, and he does not like it.  He wants to hold the spoon himself.  It amazes me how he just eats it all....with no teeth. 

Speaking of his teeth, he has his first tooth barely breaking through right now!  It's his lower right tooth.  I can also see the lower left tooth under the gums. He has been the roughest teether of the three boys.  He's been very clingy and mildly grumpy lately, and drooling buckets.  With the other boys I don't remember keeping bibs on them or changing their clothes from drool, but I have do both for Ian daily for the last couple of weeks.

Movement: He is most happy sitting up or standing.  He has also begun scooting about 2 weeks ago.  The first thing he scooted across the floor for was one of the little penny whistles that the big boys got for Christmas.  Ian loves those things so much!  So much he was willing to move.  He gets up on his knees some, but hasn't actually crawled like that yet.  He scoots with his upper body and then drags his lower body behind him. 

Eczema:  It is coming back worse now that the air is cold and dry.  It has showed up on his back, which is new.  I have started using Aquaphor on him, which seems to work better than anything else I've tried.  I use hydrocortisone and then Aquaphor on the red spots, and the Curel all over the rest of him.  I do that morning and night.  His scalp has remained dry as has the back of his neck.  I've been using Burt's Bees wash on him lately, which seems to be a little more moisturizing for him than the Aveeno I used to use on him.

Lastly, the diaper rash:  Poor Ian has had a diaper rash since Thanksgiving!  And it's now January.  I can't figure it out.  My first thought was that it was detergent buildup on my cloth diapers that was irritating him.  So I stripped them and washed all of the buildup out.  There was indeed lots of buildup.  However, even while using disposables for the last month, the rash is still not going away.  My next thought was that it's a yeast rash.  But the Nystatin isn't getting rid of it completely either.  And I read that yeast is almost never on the tush cheeks themselves, which his is.  Now I'm wondering if it's eczema related.  It doesn't look like a normal rash.  It begins as broken skin in the folds of skin.  It was almost better at his 9 month well check, so his doctor said it looked fine. But then as soon as we left it came back with a vengeance.  We are going back to the doctor tomorrow and it will be the main topic of conversation!

Along with the pesky diaper rash, he also had his first ear infection and a cold since Thanksgiving as well.  He can't seem to shake the cold, so hopefully his doctor will have some thoughts on that tomorrow as well. 

And that's a wrap on the last two months! 

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